We believe that true success and happiness lies within.
This means, connecting with and living from a place where you can express your authentic self, your TRUE NATURE.
When you CONSCIOUSLY CONNECT to nature, you connect to your TRUE NATURE.
By being aligned and connected to your true nature you are more able to live a fulfilled life with deeper meaning and purpose.
Connecting with nature and your true nature may sound SIMPLE but that does not mean it is EASY.
We provide services and experiences to support you on this important journey of discovery.
From podcast episodes to group forest bathing sessions and one-on-one coaching, all that we offer has been created to help you Awaken to Nature, see the magic in the world and connect to your True Nature.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Hello my name is Michael Holmwood, I grew up in Cape Town, on the Southern Tip of Africa. A mountainous and wind swept peninsular that unravels into the South Atlantic Ocean like the end of a Dragon’s Tail.
I’ve explored all that this city has to offer, everything from the cold depths of the Atlantic Ocean kelp forests, to the wind carved rocks on top of Table Mountain. I have come to appreciate there is something special about the untamed energy running through the land.
My life, at least for the past 15years, has been dedicated to building my personal relationship with Mother Earth. My most treasured experiences have been the ones where I allowed myself to fully connect with nature, those experiences were powerful and magical. They put things into perspective and always left me shifted in a positive way. I am super grateful to have had teachers and mentors who have guided and helped me form a special bond with my spirit and the spirit of Earth.
In 2017 I completed an 18month highly interactive coaching course. The style focuses on developing an awareness of the limiting beliefs and/or subconscious programming that we may have running in our lives. By working through what keeps us ‘stuck’, we’re able to embrace what excites and fulfills us. It's all about connecting with and expressing our true nature.
The work I do is a hybrid of powerful coaching tools & techniques, Ecotherapy that calls on the healing power of nature and mindfulness based practices.
The result is a proven and powerful combo that will help you de-stress, get ‘unstuck’ and awaken to your true nature.
I look forward to working with you.

We’ve partnered with some quality South African brands. Between them they have pioneered categories and brought many firsts to South Africa. They value YOUR health as well as the health of OUR beautiful planet.
Click on the "Visit Site" button to find out more about the incredible people behind the brands and the work they do. While you there, check out the fantastic products they offer.

Jo’s ‘day job’ is dedicated to Keeping it Real by making a range of wholefood and superfood snacks.
Mike’s ‘day job’ South Africa’s first and most favourite superfood company. Empowering you to live your healthiest life today.
SoyLites takes pride in innovating eco-authentic products that your skin will love, while engaging your mind, body and spirit.
Comprehensive range of certified organic essential oils grown and distilled in South Africa.
A young dynamic company providing premium equipment to outdoor enthusiasts in South Africa.